Career Development Peer Groups Program
Wondering what you will do after earning your PhD? Struggling to navigate information about options beyond the academic track? Not sure what you want to do or what you would be good at?
WISAY and CNSPY are co-sponsoring The Career Development Peer Group (CDPG) Program. This structured program will combine supportive peer discussion with personal introspection to help participants examine their interests, values and skills and evaluate different careers to determine the best fit.
All Yale science graduate students and postdocs are welcome to participate in the CDPG program! You are encouraged to sign up to form a peer group with friends or labmates (1-2 max), and you can indicate your preference in the application. You are also welcome to sign up individually and will be placed in a small peer group (2-3 individuals) with other participants who share similar scientific backgrounds and interests.
Peer Groups will be encouraged to meet every two weeks at a mutually convenient time to discuss results of individual career development exercises, share ideas, and reflect with each other. Time commitment and meeting venue are to be determined by each group (minimum of 1-2 hours/week). There will be an introductory meeting in early May.
Sign up to participate in the CDPG program by filling out an application by April 30th
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